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Guns'n'Stories: Bulletproof VR Torrent


About This Game Guns’n’Stories: Bulletproof is a dynamic VR western shooter that fully immerses players into the ambiance of weird Wild West.Stepping the tangled storyline, you will encounter many intimidating but comical enemies and fight Big Bosses.You will have to shoot aptly and a lot using both hands as well as to use various covers and move actively, avoiding bullets of enemies.You will visit many beautiful locations and will be able to try a big arsenal of weapons under the rhythm of the western rock music, jokes, and cynical humor!Full ImmersionGuns’n’Stories: Bulletproof is a full immersion into the ambiance of rollicking Westerns and shooting like flash from both hands, with cynical (and sometimes even black) humor.Vivid ImpressionsThis is unforgettably vivid cocktail from emotions, in which we’ve added everything to make a player fall out of reality for a while to receive exactly these bright and fresh emotions we’ve only experienced when were kids.The game will not make you bored even for a bit, constantly surprising you with its new story shifts, shootings, and various but unchangeably hilarious enemies.Realistic and DynamicThis is a persistent feeling of realism of what’s around and a possibility to be on Wild West. Though, a little bit Hollywood-style. The game will generously reward you for a desire to move actively – you can evade bullets, shut them down, and hide behind the objects while shooting back in your enemies.Weapons and EnvironmentYou will have an impressive spectrum of weapons (firearms, throwing weapons, and even futuristic arms) that will allow you to feel as an experienced shooter who is capable of dealing with hordes of attacking enemies alone.You will visit lots of locations, every single one of which has been thoroughly thought-out and designed.ComfortAlong with that, the game is maximally comfortable and user-friendly. You will never feel sick or discomfort during the game.However, you will need a good physical shape to play on the high level of complexity. So, we advise you to start from easy levels in order to receive more seamless gaming experience and get tired much lesser. There is nothing to be ashamed of! Available for Arcades on SpringboardVR 7aa9394dea Title: Guns'n'Stories: Bulletproof VRGenre: Action, Adventure, Casual, SimulationDeveloper:MIROWINPublisher:MIROWINRelease Date: 8 Mar, 2018 Guns'n'Stories: Bulletproof VR Torrent guns'n'stories bulletproof vr. guns'n'stories bulletproof vr gameplay. guns'n'stories bulletproof vr crack. guns n stories bulletproof vr review. guns n stories bulletproof vr review. guns n stories bulletproof vr ps4. guns'n'stories bulletproof vr обзор. guns'n'stories bulletproof vr psvr. guns n stories bulletproof vr ps4. guns'n'stories bulletproof vr crack. guns'n'stories bulletproof vr. guns'n'stories bulletproof vr psvr. guns'n'stories bulletproof vr gameplay. guns'n'stories bulletproof vr download. guns'n'stories bulletproof vr обзор. guns n stories bulletproof vr test. guns'n'stories bulletproof vr download. guns n stories bulletproof vr test Best shooting range ever i played in VR. Sometimes hard but always funny I recommend this game to every shooter fan. Fun, light hearted, no jump scares. Something of a workout. Time flies by and your hands and arms will be sore before you realize it. If you like humor and you like westerns, give this one a shot.. Basically an 'old school' light-gun shooter in VRThe Story telling has a GunsOfJuarez - Gunslinger vibe to it be aware, you will have to pull the Trigger a lot and fastbasically just try out the Demo before buying and only get it on sale~. игра построена как воспоминания старого ковбоя ветерана, и истории его достойны мюнхаузена - настолько они полны юмора, временами черного, и настолько же нереалистичны :)Куча разного оружия, толпы врагов, прекрасная яркая графика - в этой игре ты себя ощущаешь как внутри мульфильма!. Quite an interesting game, many will drag out, played a little, but there remains a lot of impressions. Thanks to the developer.. +Interesting Wave Shooter+Western+Has story+Creative and fun-Somewhat expensive, maybe wait for a sale. -Wave shooters are getting old3\/5Great fun story only let down by the fact that it's the easiest\/laziest game type in VR: A Wave Shooter. Really inventive cool western shoot-em-up story, I'd pick it up. But only if you're not tired of Wave Shooters yet. If you liked this review Click here and follow for more reviews of VR titles. And Click here if you want to request reviews on other VR titles.


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